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This article deals with the topic of using the association method. Using the method of association in the classroom helps to improve the logical thinking of students, helps to replenish vocabulary. Each person’s association is individual and therefore students are not afraid to make mistakes during class. They feel freedom during classes and participate in the process very actively. As a result, interest in the learning process increases and this helps to achieve better results. These and other problems of using this method are comprehensively considered in our work.

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Senior teacher, Department of Languages Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering School
File Size: 2.04 MB
Publication date: 10 May 2020
Downloads: 1
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Bibliographical ref:

YAKUBOV OYBEK. USE OF THE ASSOCIATION METHOD [e-course] // International Catalog of Educational PowerPoint Presentations. URL: (accessed date: 04/27/2024)
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