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presentation The Benefits of Visual Supports for Children with Autism

  • •Visual supports are non-verbal ways for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to communicate their needs and make sense of the world around them. Children with autism benefit from using visual supports for a variety of reasons. A nonverbal child can use a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to communicate his/her needs.
  • •A child who benefits from routine and knowing the order of the day might use a visual calendar or schedule to familiarize himself/herself with upcoming events. A child who struggles with transitions such as leaving his/her home and getting on the school bus or tidying up toys might find pictures illustrating the appropriate steps helpful.

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Section: Education PowerPoint Templates

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Co-author: Alvina Hayrapetyan
“My Way” Educational and Rehabilitation Center. “Autism” National Foundation
File Size: 797.71 kB
Publication date: 18 May 2020
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Bibliographical ref:

ALVINA HAYRAPETYAN. The Benefits of Visual Supports for Children with Autism [e-course] // International Catalog of Educational PowerPoint Presentations. URL: (accessed date: 04/20/2024)
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